What We Must Do
Exodus 18:1-27
“The LORD is greater than all other gods”
God’s people put God on trial (17:7)
A foreign man gives God praise (18:10)
What are we doing? (18:14)
- we live our spiritual lives vicariously through a spiritual leader (13)
- we let someone else do all the heavy spiritual lifting (14,17,18)
we are satisfied with addition even though God wants multiplication (21-23)
Conventional Values
Make converts
Create programs
20% do 80% of work
Laity-led, clergy-driven
Dispenses information
How many?
Unclear discipleship plan
(adapted from “A Certain Kind” E. Chan)
What should we be doing? (20)
God does not want to go through a human agent to get to you; he wants an intimate personal connection (19:19;1 Pet 2:9)
God wants dependence on him alone (Jn. 15:5)
Kingdom work is to be delegated.
Disciple-making Values
Make disciples
Spiritual Maturity
20% equip 80% to minister
Clergy-led, laity-driven
Transforms lives
What kind?
Discipleship pathway
(adapted from “A Certain Kind” E. Chan)
Disciple (20; Matt 28:19, 20)
Traditional Structure
Make known the Word they are to believe Biblical Vision
Make known the work they are to do Biblical Mission
Make known the way they are to walk Biblical Method (Systems)
“The way we are to walk precedes the work we are to do” (E. Chan)
Series Information

We, as a culture, are so concerned about what our rights are; but what are God's rights?