Zechariah: The King is Coming
The LORD Reigns: God’s Community Finally Fully Realized
Zechariah 14:1-21
“A day is coming for the LORD…”
Eusebius of Caesarea (265-340 AD)
Ephrem the Syrian (Turkey; 306-373 AD)
Kenneth L Barker PHD
Sightlines beyond Calvary…
Does the cross and shortly thereafter fully exhaust the events portrayed in Zech. 14?
If not Israel. Who?...the church?
- A cosmic fight between God and wickedness; not a groom and bride
- A time of judgment and salvation—not sanctification
- Jerusalem—how does that place connect to church
Cosmic changes not yet seen (yes Jesus intentionally made connections with some elements)…
- Topographical changes
- Mt of Olives split
- New valley formed
- Jerusalem raised
- Surrounding elevations lowered
- No daytime, no nighttime
- Climate (un)change
- Abundant water supply--New drainage directions
1. HIS RULE-“King over the whole earth” (v.1-9) is King over your whole life—radical loyalty
The world has had its day; it’s now time for the Lord’s Day!
You need to get in on where history is heading—a comprehensive global take-over
- Political (1-3,9)
- Topographical (4,8,11)
- Cosmic (6,7)
- International affairs (11-15)
- Religious Affairs (16-21)
2. HIS PLACE-The recurring theme of judgement and the urgency of purifying repentance (v.10-21)
OT warfare is a precursor to God’s ultimate judgement over the nations.
Calvary is the extent to which God is prepared to go to have sin removed.
You need to fully embrace the grace of God that teaches you to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions. (Titus 2:12; Col 3:4-5).
The practical summary of Zechariah’s eschaton is that there is a direct connection between your commitment to holy living (His place) and your passion for the glory of God to the nations (His rule-mission); which all rests on your HOPE for the Coming of the Lord.
- As circumstances beat you up and the culture deteriorates around you, the promise of the coming of the Lord invests your heart with hope and offers you contagious optimism.
- Fully cooperating with the purifying work of the Lord is not only the better way to live, but is the ground upon which the Lord readies and stirs you to be on mission to the world.
The DAY coming for the Lord is about His PLACE and His RULE.
What about in you?
In your life are His place and His rule ready for His return?
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