The Dawn of Redeeming Grace
Isaiah 9:1-21
From the midst of the mess… (9:8-10:4)
Arrogance (9:8-12)
“Leaders Who Mislead” (9:13-17)
Brothers Who Don’t Love Brothers (9:18-21)
People Who Abuse People (10:1-4)
How will a Holy God be with an unholy people? (9:1-7)
1. God humbles to bring honour (9:1).
2. God will shatter the yoke of abuse by presenting heaven’s champion (9:2-6).
3. He will be a son and at the same time Mighty God; reign on David’s throne (Jerusalem / Bethlehem) but his light will dawn from Galilee (9:6-7; Matt. 4:12-17).
4 names
- Wonderful Counselor
- Mighty God (10:21)
- Everlasting Father (63:16)
- Prince of Peace (32:14)
4. The wise get in on this and give over the government of their lives to the forever government of the Prince of Peace (9:7)
The zeal of the “I AM” of heavenly armies guarantees this is so.
Series Information

We, as a culture, are so concerned about what our rights are; but what are God's rights?