Seeking Justice; Finding God
Exodus 2:11-25
On the way to righting the wrongs in this world, you may want to ready yourself for some serious delays and detours along the way.
1. You may have the will of God right but be sadly deficient in the ways of God (11-12).
Discipleship is more than being right; it’s also doing right.
Zeal unprepared is a raging fire.
2. It may be the right thing but not the right time. (13)
The right plan but not the right time, because Moses was not yet the right man.
God will not conform himself to your timetable.
3. You are only ready to lead when you notice some are willing to follow (14-15).
Your great resume may be your great problem.
“You may find yourself highly qualified to be completely useless.” (Swindoll, Moses)
Seed planted by the flesh cannot bear spiritual fruit.
4. The self-life has to die before the Christ-formed life can live (16-22; Psm. 119:67, 71, 72).
Suffering / failure forces us to humility; humility pushes us to obedience (Heb. 5:7-10).
Wilderness teaches us to listen to God; in listening to God we learn dependence.
Obscurity “doesn’t teach us to think less about ourselves; it teaches us to think about ourselves less.” (C.S. Lewis)
5. When God’s alarm clock sounds, heaven moves earth – before you get to be the “hand of God”, you have to learn how to hold it (23-25; 3:10).
“he went out to where…” (11, 13)
“I AM sending you …” (3:10)
“Who made you ruler?” (14)
“I AM has sent me to you.” (3:14)
What is good? What does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)
“Who am I?” (3:11)
Series Information

We, as a culture, are so concerned about what our rights are; but what are God's rights?