Out of the Wilderness and into the Promises of God
Out of the Wilderness of Fear and Anxiousness and Into the Promise of PEACE
John 16:33
Are you presently experiencing peace?
Peace is one of the great benefits promised and gifted to us as an intended consequence of the incarnation- “... peace to men on whom his favour rests” (Lk. 2:14) as Christ’s atoning work- “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” (Jn.14:27) as Christ’s sanctifying work.
Context: The Farewell Discourse (Jn. 13:31-16:33)... so that you may have (experience) peace and be able to take heart!
Judas is excused and shut out of these promises! (13:30)
Promise: MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU. (14:27)
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (Jn. 16:33)
in me In this world
peace trouble
these things have peace
take heart overcome
These 7 things will enable you to have peace in the midst of trouble and courage to choose between Jesus and this world...
Discipleship is about learning how to discover peace when surrounded by threat, how to possess tranquility despite those hostile to your faith. (G. Burge, NIVAC)
The greatest threat to the disciple’s peace was their fear of abandonment by Jesus –I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father. (16:28)
Peace-threat-feeling unloved and abandoned
1. Love each other deeply—like Christ loves you. (13:34-35)
We learn to rely on the love God has for us (1 Jn.4:16; 13:1) by experiencing His love through the love of one another.
Peace-threat-trust in God and an unknown future
2. There is an eternal place with your name on it. (14:2)
...that you also may be where I am.” (14:3)
Peace-threat - a loss of intimacy with Christ
3. Christ will not abandon you—the Father gives you the Holy Spirit. (14:16-17)
The imminent gift of the Holy Spirit is a priority in his sermon (5X stated)—
- Help us understand and welcome the truth (1 Cor. 2:10,12)
- Provision of gifts
- Christ’s presence continues –I will come to you (14:18)
- Continuation of Christ’s mission in and through the people (church)
Peace-threat-bewildered by the mission on their own
4. Abiding in Christ will enable you to produce much fruit. (15:5)
Peace threat-being hated and threatened
5. The Holy Spirit will help you to properly assess this world that hates you. (15:18-27)
The church, through her witness is actually placing the world on trial (16:8)
Peace-threat-the sheer power of opposition and majority opinion (“I don’t even know what’s right anymore!”)
6. The convicting work of the Holy Spirit will prevent you from making peace with this world. (16:8-11)
God defends us and seeks to offend us with respect to the world—the reason many of us are so, not at peace, is because we have sourced our peace in the wrong place/thing—this world.
Systems that are built to sustain darkness and injustice are presently being exposed, and many Christians haven’t noticed the real wrongs because we’ve been so addicted for so long to obtaining our peace from our own personal health or freedom.
That the church is struggling to be one voice in this virtue and values showdown in which we are presently embroiled, demonstrates how embedded in worldly values the church has become. The Holy Spirit is in us to change that.
Peace-threat-the promise of trouble
7. No one can take away your joy and peace as long as you have the courage to embrace the things Christ has told us. (16:22,33)
- Source your peace in Jesus and not the things of this world – in me!
- Overcoming the world (not overthrowing it!) is the continuation of Christ’s mission, Christ’s way (H.S. counsellor)—Victory guaranteed
Series Information