On the Move - Wisdom for the Journey
Our Battles Belong to the LORD
Deuteronomy 2:26-3:11
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On the journey as a child of God, obediently following the lead of our commander in chief will inevitably lead to opposition, both in the spiritual (Eph. 6:10-14) and physical realms (Mt. 5:10-12; Jn. 15:18-20). To experience victory over opposition, we must live by faith, not by sight, knowing that our battles belong to the LORD.
Three principles for engaging in battle on the journey, knowing that the Battle Belongs to the LORD:
1. There is no need to rush ahead and take things into our own hands (vs. 26-31)
- God is always working for the good of His people (Isa. 64:4-5a; Rom. 8:28)
- Trust His sovereign authority, even over those who oppose you (vs. 25, 30-32; Dan. 4:34-37)
- Remember, divine judgment is part of the gospel (cf. Jn. 3:16; 36)
Do you thank God daily for His undeserved mercy and grace in your life? Do your life choices indicate that you perhaps take His grace for granted (cf. Rom. 6:1-2)? Do you intentionally keep a clear conscience before God, repent of known sins, and keep a ‘soft heart’ towards Him? Are you intentionally connecting with the body of Christ outside of our Sunday service? Connecting with the body of Christ is critical in the battle against being hardened by sin’s deceitfulness (cf. Heb. 3:12-15)
2. Victory will ultimately come through Him (vs. 32-37)
- With each divine promise there is often a call for personal response (vs. 32-34)
- Victory is experienced when one battles by faith in obedience to the LORD’s direction (vs. 36)
- Israel engaged in battle and functioned as the army of the LORD
Are you daily prepared to engage in battle (cf. Eph. 6:10-13a)? We are in a battle with an enemy that seeks to ‘steal, kill, and destroy.’ But rejoice, our Commander in Chief came so that we may have life and have it to the full (cf. Jn. 10:10; I Pt. 5:8). Who or what are you relying on for victory in the battles you are fighting (cf. Ps. 20:7; Prov. 21:31)?
3. We do not need to fear our enemies (3:1-11)
- Sometimes the biggest roadblock in moving forward is not necessarily who or what is in front of us, but the fear that is within us (cf. Heb. 12:1-3; 1 Pt. 5:7)
- The LORD is with us and He empowers us to overcome our fears and move forward (2 Tim. 1:7)
- The LORD our God is faithful and can be trusted (Prov. 29:25)
If the battle belongs to the LORD and we are on His side, what or whom do we need to fear? By His mercy and saving grace, we are on the winning side. At the end of the day, God wins! So, what are you most fearful of in your life right now? Take it to God in prayer. Remember that He is on the throne. He
has good plans for you. “No weapon formed against His people will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17).
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