Mission:Possible | Spirit-Empowered Witnesses
On Mission – Be Christlike
Acts 6:8-8:4
Regardless of who you and I wanted to be like as a child, every Christian should desire to want to imitate the same person: Jesus Christ. In Acts 6:8-8:4 Luke highlights for Theophilus a man who was as much like Jesus as anyone in Scripture to that point.
On mission, five areas in Stephen’s life and ministry where he was like Christ:
1. Stephen was empowered like Christ (6:8)
- through the power of the Holy Spirit (vs. 3. “full of the Spirit”, vs. 5. “full of the Holy Spirit”, vs. 10 “wisdom the Spirit gave him…”)
- God’s enabling power for mission is still available to us through the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8; Eph. 1:18-20)
Would others describe you as full of the Spirit and wisdom, full of faith and full of God’s grace and power?
2. Stephen was empowered to speak like Christ (6:9-10)
- Stephen knew the scriptures, trusted in the promises of Christ (cf. Lk. 21:12-15) and by faith was empowered to speak with wisdom from the Holy Spirit
- Stephen like Jesus did not speak for his own glory (cf. Jn. 7:16-18; 12:49)
Do you meditate on God’s word day and night? Are you always prepared to give an answer and by faith speak the truth?
3. Stephen was empowered to endure a trial like Christ (6:11-15)
- followers of Christ experience a powerful closeness with God when one identifies with the suffering of our Saviour (cf. Phil. 3:10-11; 1 Pt. 4:12-15)
- Spirit empowered endurance leads to great reward (Mt. 5:11-12; Lk. 21:19)
Under personal attack, what does our demeanor reflect? Does it reflect a Spirit empowered endurance knowing that Christ whom we follow has gone before us, fully understands and endured (Heb. 4:14-16)?
4. Stephen was empowered to teach the scriptures like Christ (7:1-53)
- He knew what his mission was, to be Christs witness – to testify to the truth of the risen Christ and the new life available in Him.
- God’s Word breaks down strongholds (2 Cor. 10:3-5) and sets people free (Jn. 8:32).
Are you convinced of your mission assignment to be a witness, an ambassador and minister of reconciliation? If so, who are you sharing the true and trustworthy message of the Gospel with?
5. He was empowered to suffer and die like Christ (7:54-8:1)
- In the face of intense opposition, the Holy Spirit empowered Stephen to “look up… and continue to testify” (vs. 55-56)
- In the midst of excruciating suffering the Holy Spirit empowered Stephen to pray and die like Christ (vs. 59; cf. Lk. 23:46; Lk. 23:34)
Do you have the same assurance of eternal life that Stephen was empowered to display when he fell asleep?
God used Jesus’ life, death and resurrection to provide the way for anyone who calls on the name of the Lord to be saved. Stephen’s life and death like Christ was used by God to advance the mission of spreading this good news in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. How is God using you? On mission, be Christlike. Trust God through the power of the Holy Spirit to use your life to advance His Kingdom so that more will be added to our number for His glory.
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