Not Behaviour Modification...The Gospel
Ephesians 5:3-14
1. God’s the standard (5:1)
a. Live a life of love (5:2)
b. Avoid empty words (5:6)
c. Do not partner with those who love sin (5:6)
d. Be righteous and holy (4:24)
e. Be kind and compassionate, forgiving each other (4:32)
2. Not even a hint (5:3-8)
a. Sexual immorality (porneia)
b. Impurity (akatharsia)
c. Greed (pleonexia)
d. Obscenity (aischrotes)
e. Foolish talk (morologia)
f. Coarse Joking (eutrapelia)
3. The Gospel changes us (5:8-14)
a. You are LIGHT in the Lord (5:8)
b. Live as children of light (5:8)
Series Information

In this series Pastor Rick takes us through what it means to be CHOSEN. Follow us as we study Ephesians and find out what it means to belong to Christ.