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Standalone Sermons

Feb 23, 2025 | Kelvin Kauffeldt

Multiplication | One of Jesus’ Favourite Subjects

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As followers of Christ, we must embrace what He loves. Multiplication is a big deal to Jesus… multiplying disciples who personally know, love, and obediently follow Him. Based on His authority, He commissioned His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations; it is a mission of addition using multiplication. Praise God that those men answered the calling. Will we?

Followers of Christ are:

1. Commanded to GO and make disciples (Mt. 28:16-20)

- The Great Commission is what Jesus expected the apostles to do, and expects those succeeding them to do, in His absence

- Making disciples is the primary command of the Great Commission

- The Great Commission is enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:8)

We are to act as ambassadors of Christ (cf. 2 Cor. 5:17-20). We are still on mission. It is not over because the King has not yet returned. Are we fully engaged in the business of God’s kingdom, making disciples of all nations (both personally and as a church family)?

2. To INVEST and MULTIPLY what Christ has generously given to us (Mt. 25:14-18)

- We have received a precious gift, “the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (cf. Jude 1:3)

- Recognizing Christ’s generosity towards us should move us to worship Him and compel us to faithfully serve Him on mission

- The Lord has given us (individually and as a church) incredible opportunities which He expects us to steward well by investing in His mission

With what kind of attitude and effort are you investing the “talents” the Lord has entrusted to you, to edify and build up the body of Christ and to reach the lost? By our actions and God-empowered results (cf. 1 Cor. 3:6-11), would others be able to identify us as “multipliers”?

3. AWARE that Christ is going to return and settle accounts with us (Mt. 25:19-30)

- As His disciples, we will one day stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an account for our faithfulness with what He entrusted to us (cf. Rom. 14:11-12; 2 Cor. 5:10)

- This judgment does not need to make us afraid; it should motivate us to want to please the Lord in our multiplication efforts

- True disciples will multiply and be rewarded

We are to be expectantly watching for Christ’s return. We are to be ready and prepared for His return. We are to be working faithfully on His mission until He returns.

How will you answer the calling? GO, INVEST, and MULTIPLY!




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