Love Your Enemy
1 Samuel 24:1-22
“When a man finds his enemy, does he let him get away unharmed?” (24:19)
What kind of person are you?
1. Are you the kind of person who does God’s work or uses God to justify what you already want to do? (24:4)
Manipulating God’s words to get to do what you want.
2. Are you the kind of person who values the profound beauty of God over the cheap emotions of a reactionary human? (24:6,10)
3. Are you the kind of person who has learned the incredibly high value of a godly reputation? (24:13)
“From evil doers come evil deeds.”
4. Are you the kind of person who has learned that your restraint makes your enemy God’s problem? (24:14-15)
“May the Lord be our judge and decide between us”
5. Are you the kind of person who has learned that your restraint may bring your enemy to repentance? (24:16)
“You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly”
Choose reward over revenge
6. Are you the kind of person who has learned to make the matter of every offence a matter of prayer? (Matt 6:12-15)
Series Information

We, as a culture, are so concerned about what our rights are; but what are God's rights?