Walk the Talk | Authentic Faith
Living Counterculture
COUNTERCULTURE: Belonging to a culture with values and customs that are very different from and usually opposed to those accepted by most of society. As believers, we belong to the Kingdom of God and live in accordance with the values of His kingdom. It is easy to identify the obvious conflicts to these values but the danger is in the subtle patterns of this world. If we are not careful, we will easily find ourselves conforming to the culture rather than living counter to the culture.
Keys to Living Counterculture:
1. Keep the glory and splendour of Jesus fresh in your mind and heart (vs. 1-4)
- Daily, intentionally set aside time to be alone with our glorious Saviour and Lord (reading and meditating on His Word, connecting with Him through prayer)
- Recognizing the glory and splendour of Jesus will help us to resist our natural tendency to judge people based on their outward appearance rather than on the values of the Kingdom of God (cf. 1 Sam. 16:7)
*Living counterculture requires us to be careful not to discriminate and become ‘judges with evil thoughts.’
2. Thank Him daily for His amazing grace (vs. 5-7)
- God’s amazing grace has changed our status in this world from being poor in spirit to rich in faith (cf. Mt. 5:3; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 2:20; Jn. 1:12)
- God’s amazing grace must transform the standard of how we view ourselves and others (cf. Php. 2:3; Rom. 12:3, 10)
*Living counterculture requires us to remember and celebrate how God treated us in our ‘poverty’ and then to treat others likewise (cf. Eph. 4:32).
3. Resolve to live in obedience to God’s Word and do what is right (vs. 8-11)
- Love God (vertical focus, Dt. 6:5; Mt. 22:37-38) and love your neighbour as yourself (horizontal focus, cf. Lv. 19:18; Mk. 12:31; Jn. 13:34-35; Gal. 5:14)
- Favouritism is sin; it disrespects others created in the image of God; therefore, it dishonours God Himself.
*Living counterculture requires us to not deceive ourselves into thinking that showing favouritism is not a big deal. It is sin.
4. Remember that we will all be judged (vs. 12-13)
- All people, unbelievers and believers alike, will one day face judgment (cf. Rom. 2:6-11; Rev. 20:11-15)
- God will hold us accountable for both our words and actions (cf. Mt. 12:36; 2 Cor. 5:9-10)
*Living counterculture requires us to watch carefully what we say and what we do, knowing that we will have to give an account to God.
5. Be committed to reflect the mercy of Christ (vs. 13b)
- Freely receiving the mercy of God should compel us to show mercy to others (cf. Mt. 5:7; Col. 3:12)
- Extending mercy to others without favouritism is evidence of the saving work of Christ in our lives (cf. Mt. 25:34-40)
*Living counterculture requires us to be ready and willing to extend mercy to people from all walks of life, just as God extends mercy to us.
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