Jesus: The Reason for the Season
Keep Calm and Carry On
Matthew 2:1-12
Throughout our series, Jesus the Reason for the Season, we have discovered that from the beginning Jesus is and always has been the central reality of God’s plan for the ages. In Matthew 2:1-12 we arrive at our final destination in our journey of tracking the unfolding revelation of Jesus from the Garden of Eden through to his incarnation.
The question we will seek to find answers to from the Magi’s experience is, how do we ‘keep calm and carry on’ in the midst of bad times?
Hurdles/obstacles the Magi faced on their journey:
- The hurdle of inconvenience and the unknown
- The hurdle of indifference
- The hurdle of hostility
- The hurdle of political pressure
Three insights from the Magi’s journey we can apply to help us ‘keep calm and carry on.’
1. They relied on the word of God, (Vs. 2)
- How did the Magi/wise men know what they did about Jesus when they saw his star rise in the east?
- Their ancestors were influenced by the prophet Daniel (Dan. 2:48, 9)
- They were familiar with one of their founders (Balaam’s) prophecy, Numbers 24:17
- Their reliance on the word of God was evident by their response to it
- Warning: In bad times simply ‘knowing’ the scriptures (head knowledge only) without believing faith to trust and rely on the truth will not keep you calm to carry on. (Ps. 25:4, 5)
What am I relying on to ‘keep calm and carry on’ in the midst of challenging times?
2. They displayed trust on their journey
- Even though they were unaware of their final destination (vs. 1-2)
- Even though they may have felt alone on their journey (vs. 9-10)
- Trusting God is: Faith in action! (Ps. 112:6, 7, Isa. 26:3, 4)
Do my actions display a resolute trust in God, in the midst of uncertain times?
3. They had one desire (vs. 2, 11)
- To find Jesus and worship Him
- John Piper, “God wields the universe to make his Son known and worshiped.”
- How did they find him? They were led to Him by God’s grace (Jn. 6:44)
- In the midst of bad times we can experience joy if we act on the desire to meet daily with Jesus and worship Him (Ps. 105:3, 4)
What has my response to bad times revealed about my desires?
Series Information