MARK: The Gospel for Stressful Times
Jesus is questioned by the Religious Elite
Mark 11:27-12:12
5 Statements about the Authority of Christ
1. Jesus declared, “All authority in Heaven and on the Earth has been given to me” Matthew 28:18
2. The people said, “ He taught with authority, not like the scribes” Mark 1:22
3. God the Father said, “This is my beloved son, listen to him." Mark 9:7
4. Jesus revealed, “The son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins” Mark 2:10
5. The God-man declared himself Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2:27
The Goal: Challenge Jesus credentials, embarrass him in front of the crowds and prove we are in control or catch Jesus blaspheming and have him arrested.
The Question: “By what authority are you doing these things, “And who gave you this authority to do this?” Mark 11:28
Credentials: a qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person's background, typically when used to indicate that they are suitable for something
The response of the Master (to respond to their question with a question) is not an evasion of the question, but the exposure of the denial and rejection of those who were the leaders of the nation.
Three things that will hinder any Christian leader (Pastor, Deacon, Elder, Husband, Wife, Father, Mother, Business Owner, Employee)
1. Money- the pursuit of money will destroy a leader in the faith. Ministry is not about getting rich. Ministry is about trusting in God, in every part of your life, including your back account. You will find yourself amazed that God comes through in the clutch and provides what you need- not what you want.
2. Sex- do not touch or look at what doesn’t belong to you. Watch your ways carefully, check your motives and your heart by the standard of the word not your feelings. Eyes on Christ, not on the flesh.
3. Power- as a pastor you position is from God and if he wants to change that he can but I challenge you to never try to take a position that doesn’t belong to you or that your not called to do. You will fail and you will hurt many in the process. As a disciple, power has the potential to corrupt and cause you to abuse your leadership scope and hurt others.
When you challenger a leader don’t be surprised if they go to extreme lengths to defend or justify themselves.
We Stop:
- Talking to God
- Attending His praise gatherings
- Investing in the things of God
- As Ambassadors of God and His Kingdom
- Shining for God
We Start:
- Looking for ways to self promote
- Protecting our financial position
- Carving more time for comfort
- Justifying our actions
Result: We step out of the way and allow the God-less to dictate what’s best for our nation, families, and church.
I speak to you:
- The one battling with identity and self-worth
- The one that is lonely
- The one who battles with pornography and substance abuse
- The one who is dead inside
- The ones longing for children
- The one who has given up praying and serving
- The one ready to give up
I speak to you God
Come to the front during worship for prayer