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Experiencing Life

Apr 23, 2023 | Mark Jealouse

Jesus and True Servanthood

John 13:1-17

Full Service


We are constantly pressured by society, by the world, to evaluate who we are and where we fit in the hierarchy of life – and then stay in our lane, know our place – or work to improve our standing. But God asks us to live differently.

What is Jesus doing?

Jesus expresses His love for His disciples.

- He showed them the full extent of his love, vs.1.

- Jesus begins His final instructions to His disciples, His loyal followers, by letting them know of His continuous, eternal, perfect, saving love for them.

Jesus washes His disciples’ feet.

- He puts aside all He was entitled to as the Son of God.
- Takes on the garb of a servant.
- This was such a menial task that it always fell to the lowest servant in the household.
- Jesus even washed Judas’ feet.

Jesus teaches the disciples about justification and sanctification.

- Washing your dirty feet is enough if the rest of your body is already clean.
- Justification occurs once.
- Sanctification is an ongoing process.

Jesus models loving humility.

- If Jesus, their Teacher and Lord, loved them enough to take on the role of the lowest servant and wash their feet - they should do the same for each other.

- They were to have an attitude of servanthood towards each other in every area of their lives.

How do we respond?

- Trust God even when you don’t understand what He is doing.

- Can you imagine what your life would be like if you lived like you really believed God was sovereign over every aspect of your life?

Keep your feet clean.

- When you sin, confess it – quickly.

- Do not resist His efforts to sanctify you, but submit to the ongoing cleansing Jesus offers you.

Serve one another in loving humility.

- Jesus washed His disciples feet as an example of how we should serve each other.

- It takes humility and grace to serve others, but it also takes humility and grace to allow others to serve us. Warren Wiersbe


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