Joy Happens
Is It Well With Your Soul?
Philippians 4:10-19
Emotional wholeness through Spiritual fullness because of Christ-centredness
1. If you wish to experience the peace God experiences, you have to enter into a lifestyle of constant conversation with God—only “in Christ” is your heart and mind safe. (Phil 4:4-7)
You attract God’s peace when in prayer your affections are refocused to God’s affections.
2. If you wish to hang out with the God of peace, you have to think about and then act upon his favourite things, right, praiseworthy, excellent things (he doesn’t hang around unrighteous thinking). (Phil 4:8-9)
Most people want peace and contentment but the cost is greater than many wish to pay (4:9)—but this is how God, who began a good work in you, intends to complete it (1:6)
This section of scripture has become an exegetical embarrassment through contextual abuse—the danger of forming theology from verses isolated from context!
• Not about God promising success in whatever endeavour you undertake (13)
• Not about God promising money/ prosperity because he is wealthy (19)
3. If you wish to experience contentment, you will have to learn that it isn’t related to how much you have or don’t have, but how dependent you have learned to become on Christ. (Phil 4:10-19)
• Through HIM, and not you or your circumstances, you gain the strength to be content.
• From HIM, “according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus,” all of your needs are met.
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