In the Year...
Isaiah 6:1-10
King Uzziah:
· Became King at the age of 16
· Reigned in Jerusalem for 52 years
· He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord
· He sought God in the days of Zechariah (26:5)
· He had an army: 307,500 men trained for war
· He broke down walls, rebuilt towns and towers and fortified walls
· He mastered Irrigation “ He loved the soil” (26:10)
· He developed new technology for war (26:15)
· He was powerful (26:15)
· He was prideful(26:16)
· The Lord removed him (26:20)
1. God is on the throne (1-2)
2. God Creates with purpose (6:2-7)
3. God created a way for us to furfill our purpose.
Series Information

We, as a culture, are so concerned about what our rights are; but what are God's rights?