On the Move - Wisdom for the Journey
How We Live Really Matters
In Deuteronomy 4, we find Moses 'landing the plane' on his first sermon. He shifts the people’s attention from looking at their past, to focusing on their present lives in anticipation of their move into the Promised Land. The burden on Moses’ heart is for the Israelites to grasp that how they live really matters in light of God’s amazing grace, which is a lesson applicable for us today on our journey as His people.
Three ways we are to live in response to God’s amazing grace:
1. Take God’s Word Seriously (vs. 1-14)
- Involves more than simply reading or listening; it involves focusing our whole being on receiving what the Lord is saying to us and then obeying it (James 1:22, 2: 14, 17 – head-heart-hands)
- Requires holding fast to what He has revealed to us through His Word, even if we are in the minority “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it” – Jesus (Lk. 11:28) compared to Titus. 1:16
- Through our obedience to God’s Word, we have the privilege of being used by Him to testify of His greatness (vs. 6-8)
Do your actions/life choices testify that you take God’s Word seriously? Do others see the greatness of God through your life, or has your witness been tarnished because of your disobedience to God’s Word? In what areas of your life are you potentially inviting the discipline of God? What are you going to do about that? How you live really matters!
2. Avoid Becoming Corrupt (vs. 15-31)
- Watch yourself carefully so you don’t “quickly turn away” from what God has commanded (cf. Ex. 20: 3-5a; 32:8)
- Never forget who you are and what your mission is (cf. 1 Pt. 2:9-10)
- Remember how serious God takes our allegiance to Him alone
Is there anything or anyone that is rivaling God’s rightful place in your life? What do you give the best of your time, talents, and resources to? Are you seeking the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul? If not, what are you going to do about that? How we live really matters!
3. Acknowledge and Take to Heart God’s Grace (vs. 32-40)
- Regularly take time to reflect and rejoice in all the great and gracious ways God has made things happen in your life so that you can know Him and experience His presence
- Recalling His grace strengthens our hearts and reminds us who we belong to
- God’s amazing grace and love is what should drive us to want to hear, follow, and keep His commands
Is God’s grace in your life still amazing to you? Do you often think of His gracious acts on your behalf or have you allowed them to fade from you heart? Does God’s grace impact how you live? If not, what are you going to do about that? How we live really matters!
Series Information