Life Together
How God Builds the Church: The Pneumatikos (Spirit-directed) Church
1 Corinthians 12:1-30
How God Builds the Church: The Pneumatikos (Spirit-directed) Church
(1 Cor. 12:1-30)
About building spiritual things in a physical world, Now about “spiritual assets”…
1. All spiritual assets build a case for the Lordship of Christ (1-3).
The church is built on the truth about Jesus and not on the basis of how much, “spiritual” activity is happening.
We must not be ignorant and gullible – in any so-called spiritual manifestation, we can know the source by the content of the message.
2. The spiritual assets are sourced in the triune God and are intentionally varied and not just “spectacular” (4-7).
There’s more to the Spirit work (spiritual) than just the spectacular, miraculous, that we crave, there are all kinds of things happening in the church.
Two Extremes:
Over-realized eschatology (Corinth)
-All the promises of the future heavenly state are always for everyone for every situation.
Under-realized eschatology (Calvary?)
-The promises of the miraculous “break ins” of our future eternal state should rarely, if ever, be expected.
The triune God is building the church through…
- Different gifts – graces special capacities for supernatural action
- Different servings – limitless capacities to serve
- Different effects – varied results specifically designed by God
3. Every believer brings some spiritual asset to the table for the good of the church and the visible glory of the Lord (9-11; see Rom. 12:6-8; Eph. 4:11-12; 1 Pet. 4:10-11)
Every believer is promised some manifestation – something from/of the Holy Spirit, as he determines, for the good of the church.
We all bring something to the table that puts the Holy Spirit on display for the benefit of the church…
- Through gifts
- Through serving
- Through energized abilities
- Messaging, Bold faith, Gifts of healings, Powers, Abilities… Just as Hedetermines (where, when, who).
Discovering is worthwhile; doing is manifestation!
How is God using uniquely you to make it obvious that there is a God and He works through something you have that benefits the church?
“Just do it”
What do you hold in your hand? (Moses)
What can you bring? (Wise Men)
What do you know how to do? (Fisherman disciples)
4. The variety of spiritual assets makes God’s case that true unity can only really be demonstrated in diversity – this displays the manifold wisdom of God (12-24; see Eph. 3:10)
The church is a many parts operation and intended to be so.
We aren’t one because we are all the same; we are one because we have the same Spirit who does the unfathomable – brings unity from diversity. Anyone can demonstrate unity through uniformity.
Our unity must be sourced in our authentic Christianity (possession of the Holy Spirit) not in our common cause, tastes, preferences, programs.
We are all baptized (immersed) in one Spirit, whether we exhibit particular gifts or not at conversion (13) and all made to drink one Spirit - we are drowned in the Spirit!
Exaggerating any one manifestation of the Spirit produces monstrous body rather than a balanced healthy body.
Eye Church – sit and watch
Ear Church – Just listen
Whether your manifestation of the Spirit is more “up front” or more background, each contribution is crucial ; in fact hidden parts are often more vital.
5. No one spiritual asset defines Spirit-filled Christianity (28-30).
Each one has a part to play in the body by divine appointment, but there is no one manifestation given to every Christian.
No one can make any one manifestation the standard evidence for true Holy, Spirit-filled spirituality.
6. Everything is spiritually contagious in the Pneumatikos church – suffering/ rejoicing (24-27).
What’s YOUR spiritual asset and how is it activated in the church right now?
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