Grace is the Game Changer
Ephesians 2:1-10
Here's why you were not free to choose Christ...
Until you understand how dead you were in sin, you will never really appreciate how alive you have become in Christ (Eph. 2:1-3).
You were never free to choose Christ because you were spiritually dead in sin—dominated by the “ruler of the kingdom of the air” and by the desires of your flesh.
BUT, here’s why you are now free to live for Christ…
When Christ was raised from the dead, all of those “in Christ” (before the foundation of the world) were also raised with him and seated with him in the heavenly realms (2:4-7).
Salvation is the radical repositioning of a human heart (spirit) into an entirely different realm (heavenly), an entirely different placement (in Christ) – with an enlivened spiritual capacity to love, trust, and obey God in a stunning and noticeable way.
God’s grace is the game changer of our lives and Christ’s resurrection secured our salvation and the object of our faithfulness (2:8-9).
“Have been saved”- verb tense indicates a past event (at Christ’s resurrection) with continuing results. (We were at the cross, our sins were nailed to the cross, while enemies, Christ died, raised with him from the tomb)
The grace of God comes with the power of God to make a life of faith in God possible (Phil. 1:28)—God commits himself to us and attaches himself to us in Christ; we in turn live out the implications of that “adhesion.” (Snodgrass)
Biblical faith changes your address, connection, culture, and every disposition of your life—living in Jesus for Jesus—this kind of faith indicates that salvation has come.
You were not saved by good works, but you were saved for good works (2:10).
Creation and New Creation are the ways God makes himself known to his creation. God’s masterpiece of salvation is radically changed lives, once dead in sin, now fully alive in Christ and modelling the power of God’s grace to transform people to live completely for Christ.
In sin
In Christ
Worship self
Worship God
Belong to world
Belong to Christ
Controlled by Satan
Controlled by the Spirit
Under the wrath of God
With Christ in the Heavenlies
Dominated by the power of evil
Overwhelmed by the power of God's grace
Series Information

In this series Pastor Rick takes us through what it means to be CHOSEN. Follow us as we study Ephesians and find out what it means to belong to Christ.