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Mission:Possible | Spirit-Empowered Witnesses

Sep 24, 2023 | Kelvin Kauffeldt

God’s Sovereignty and Making Decisions

Acts 1:15-26

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Luke's account of how the eleven disciples discorvered God's chosen replacement for Judas gives helpful insight into how we can make 'missional decisions.'

When trying to discern God’s will…

1. Begin with what God has already revealed (vs. 15-20)

- Look to His written word, the Scriptures. (vs. 16a)

The word of God is truth (Jn. 17:17), ‘every one of His righteous ordinances are everlasting’ (Ps. 119:160), ‘it endures forever’ (1Pt. 1:25) and is a ‘lamp for my feet and a light on my path' (Ps. 119:105).

- Trust the authority of God’s word. (vs. 16b)
It is inspired (God breathed, cf. 2 Tim. 3:16, 17), it is inerrant (without error) in its original form (cf.Tit.1:1-2), it is infallible - 100% trustworthy, as the sole, absolute authority on matters of faith and life.

- Rely on God’s word to interpret life. (vs. 18-20)
Peter relied on Scripture (Ps. 69:25 & 109:8) to help those gathered make sense of Judas’s defection and what needed to be done regarding the vacancy left among the disciples.

Prioritize knowing God’s revealed will first. Do you hide, recount, rejoice, meditate, delight and not neglect God’s word? (Ps. 119:10-16)

2. Discern what is concealed through what He has revealed (vs. 21-26)

- Gather all the pertinent information and list the possible options. (vs. 21-23)
Peter supplied the qualifications from God’s word for Judas’ replacement and two options rose to the surface.

- Pray with confidence. (vs. 24-25)
In Gods’ omniscience (cf. 1 Ki. 8:39; Isa. 46:9-10; Ps. 139:1-6; Ps. 147:5) and his sovereignty (Lam. 3:37; Prov. 16:33; Rom. 8:28; Col. 1:16-17,)

- Make a decision and move forward (vs. 26) trusting that He is guiding your steps. (Prov. 16:9)

Do you find it difficult to make significant decisions? If so, you may need to renew your confidence and allegiance to the Scriptures, where your trust can be built up in your Heavenly Father’s love and sovereignty over your life.

Our brothers and sisters in Acts 1:15-26 prioritized God’s revealed will in the Scriptures which made discovering His concealed will in choosing Judas’ replacement relatively simple. It can work that way for us as well!




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