God Has Something to Say to You
God has Something to Say to You about Exile
Micah 1:1-7:20
“An emotion-based spirituality of self-fulfillment”
(Rod Dreher; quoted in Globe and Mail 2018)
Exile by capitulation…
While Christians have increasingly embraced the culture of “feeling good about concentrating our lives on feeling good,” –feelings edge out Jesus every time—the society has turned up the stakes on living in exile.
- About the time Graham was complimenting “Toronto the good,” William Reel, NY Daily News was clobbering the mute church of New York City
- 2005, Canada’s most notorious mass murderer, Morgentaler was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws from Western, and the Order of Canada in 2008
- The law school aspirations of Trinity Western are all but dead
- Churches required by the Trudeau gov’t to attest to “reproductive rights” to obtain summer student incentives
- Major corporations will “frog-march their employees through diversity and inclusion training to affirm sexuality and gender identity” (Dreher)
- Immigrants, hostile to Christianity, are in the West either as an invasionary force or a mission field, depending on what Christians decide to do with God’s warnings.
- The systematic deconstruction of masculinity by the western governments (Canada in the lead)
Escape through complete separation from worldly cultural values…
- From trading in your covenant with the Lord for materialism (economic and emotional) (2:1-10)
- From searching out pastors and churches in cahoots with the culture (3:1-12)
- In the culture of ME, justice exists for those who bow to the culture (1,8,9)
- In the culture of ME, church leaders do, act, and say, what the crowd wants to do and hear (5; Matt 18:6)
- In the culture of ME, politics is about getting elected; not doing the right things (9-11)
- From continuing to rely on your own strength (5:10-15)
Out with the bad shepherds and in with the Good Shepherd (5:2,4)
Have we no sense of obligation to our redeemer/ rescuer? (6:4)
How then should we live? (6:6-8)
Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God.
What will we receive? (4:1-5)
- Freedom from ignorance (2)
- Freedom from war (3)
- Freedom from want (4a)
- Freedom from fear (4b)
Does passion for reform and revival matter?
Jeremiah 26! (cf. 2 Kg 19)
All the nations may walk in the name of their gods; we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. (Micah 4:5)
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