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Alert & Ready - Live Today with the Hope of Tomorrow

Aug 11, 2024 | Mark Jealouse

Family Matters

Full Service

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

Functioning well as a Church Family

I. Responsibility to Our Leadership

a. Respect the leaders of the local church.

i. We are to lovingly, wholeheartedly support and appreciate them because of their work, their labour.
ii. When we accept, love, appreciate and respect the God-ordained leadership of the church, the result is peace.

II. Responsibility to Each Other

a. Minister to each other within the local church.

i. Some need to be warned or corrected, some need encouragement, some need help.
ii. We are not to retaliate when wronged by a brother or sister – rather we should be kind.

III. Responsibility for our Attitude

a. In our life of worship to God we must choose to be joyful, pray and give thanks.
b. Be careful not to hinder the Spirit’s work in and through the believer.
c. Take the proclamation of God’s Word seriously.

IV. How are we supposed to do all this?

a. Only God Can Do It!

i. God is the God of peace.
ii. It is God who is sanctifying us.
iii. It is God who changes us.
iv. He is a faithful God.

v. Don’t forget:
1. The necessity and power of prayer.
2. The importance of genuine affection for each other.
3. The importance of sharing these instructions with the whole church – this is for all of us.

b. It’s all because of the grace of God!



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