Dressing in the New Man
Ephesians 4:17-24
His (Christ) purpose was to create in himself one new man … and in this one body reconcile both of them to God through the cross. You were taught … to put on the new man created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Eph. 2:15,16; 4:22,24).
At salvation you were automatically transferred into the new man community but you are not automatically transformed into the new man likeness.
In order to change, what do you need to be taught?
1. You’ll never change unless you want to change (4:17-19).
Are you tired of futile thinking, a godless outlook, and moral insensitivity?
2. To change you must have a correct example or pattern for change (4:20-21).
Did the old lifestyle lead you to Christ?
3. Change will occur if you approach it with a Scriptural plan for change (4:23-24).
Ruthlessly discard/ demolish anything that isn’t making you closer to Christ.
Be renewed in your thinking.
If you wish to make changes in what you are, you have to make changes in what you want. To make changes in what you want, you have to make changes in the things that shape your wants.
Put on the new style of life (new man → Christ)
Not a refurbished old self – a new creation self
Not an “External makeover” - An “Extreme makeover”
- Put off LYING→ Put on SPEAKING THE TRUTH because we are one body (4:25).
- Put off EXTENDED/ SINFUL ANGER Put on CURFEWED ANGER because unresolved anger attracts Satan (4:26-27).
- Put off STEALING→ Put on GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT so you have something to share (4:28).
- Put off DESTRUCTIVE SPEECH Put on CONSTRUCTIVE SPEECH something from which people can benefit and the Holy Spirit can find joy (4:29-30).
- Put off ABUSE→ Put on LAVISH GENEROSITY OF HEART because God has graciously forgiven you (4:31-32).
“The difference between those who have impact on lives and those who don’t is simply that the latter group doesn’t want it badly enough.” (Chip Ingram)
Series Information

In this series Pastor Rick takes us through what it means to be CHOSEN. Follow us as we study Ephesians and find out what it means to belong to Christ.