Clarifying Your Identity So You Can Fulfill Your Destiny
Esther 4:1-17
God’s right to our Yes!
There will come a moment when you must choose either personal comfort and security OR discipleship destiny - an identity crisis
You will face three crises on the way to clarifying your identity…
1. The assimilation crisis - Your salvation is purposeful even if you are tending to hide from its’ purposes (2:10, 20; 4:3; Joel 2:12-15).
The danger in living in a secular culture (spiritual exile) is in becoming secularized and used to sin as an acceptable way of living.
God used Haman’s wicked heart to shake spiritual sanity back into the hearts of his people.
God used Esther’s resolute loyalty and faith to move Him to “leave behind a blessing” (Joel 12:14).
2. The discipleship crisis - Your situation is not coincidental even if you are presently living as if it is (4:14).
All must face the “do you love God or yourself” moment.
Esther was given the attributes and opportunity to be queen - not to be queen, but to be deliverer of Israel.
Everything a Christian has or does is a front for discipleship. You must view your present placement as a platform for God’s greater purposes.
3. The spiritual energy crisis - Your faithfulness will be rewarded even if you are living right now as if it won’t be (4:15-17).
When you need the king’s heart moved, you have to go to his King.
So, do not move forward on a spiritual mission until you have stockpiled your life with spiritual resources.
What is your identity?
Are you going to be all in or are you going to keep shrinking back? Fulfill your destiny or play it safe?
You were made to matter and to believe you matter and the way things are matters and the way things should be matters.
Series Information

We, as a culture, are so concerned about what our rights are; but what are God's rights?