Blood Brothers: The Way Christ Has Made the Church
Ephesians 2:11-22
The most dangerous sin: Forgetting to remember (Ps. 9:17; 78:11; Rom. 1:21; Acts 5:1-11).
Always remember that…
1. Christ has brought us from far to near because we are in Christ (11-13).
He has moved us from being confined to what is weak and merely human to the heavenly realm of God where we are really freed, liberated from those things that were ruining our lives and empowered to become who we are really meant to be.
The violent taking of Christ’s life bridged the impossible chasm of sin that alienated us from God and his solutions for our lives.
You cannot have a God-solution for your life without embracing a Christ-sacrifice for your sin. No ceremony or social service can replace that.
- · What action steps do you need to embrace to really honour your nearness to God?
- · What is defining you that needs to finally give way to Christ?
2. Christ has brought us from outsider to belonging because he is our Peace (14-19).
“Peace is not merely the cessation of hostility; it is a comprehensive term for salvation and life with God”—it’s the way life should be! (Snodgrass)
The point of access to God is to experience life in the realm of peace for ourselves and toward our brothers.
Any barriers to full fellowship for all believers are manmade problems (often sloppy theology) and need to be bridged. Any walls that exclude others (cultural, racial) by forcing them to embrace anything or anyone but Christ and loyalty to him must be demolished.
The fusion in Christ focused on earlier results in the amazing reality of being joined together with God’s people!
- · What action steps are required to begin benefitting yourself and others with Christ’s peace?
- · Have you created any barriers or dividing walls between fellow believers?
3. Christ has brought our lives from misalignment and distress into alignment and security because he is our Cornerstone (20-22).
The church is a holy building made of people anchored, secured, and plumb-lined by Christ, built from his teaching through NT apostles and prophets, and fused together by Christ himself to be the place God lives on earth by his Spirit.
- · How should this re-shape everything about you?
- · Do you live like you believe Christ and his word are sufficient for your life and security?
- · If God’s building program is people, are you investing in the right place?
Series Information

In this series Pastor Rick takes us through what it means to be CHOSEN. Follow us as we study Ephesians and find out what it means to belong to Christ.