Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing
Ephesians 1:1-6:24
Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing
(Eph 1:3-14)
Every problem is first a worship problem.
“You become like what you worship.” (Tom Wright)
“It is gratefulness which makes the soul great.” (Abraham Heschel)
Settling who you are will define how you live.
How we come to belong…
1. God blessed us … with every spiritual blessing… (3-4)
To be praised, God … from the realm of his glorious domination.
Granted the praiseworthy goodness of His Spirit In Christ which makes God’s blessing and our purpose possible.
2. In love, God predestined us to be adopted as his sons. (5-8)
God planned a family before anything else existed.
Adopted because our names are already recorded from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8)
“To the praise of his glorious grace” (6)
3. God has made known to us … the mystery of his will. (9-14)
To steward the eternal Lordship of Christ - to wrap all things up in Christ! Revealing to us the gospel of our salvation and receiving the down payment of our inheritance.
So, what does it mean to belong to Christ?
1. God is my ultimate reality and object of radical worship…
Praise God … to the praise … to the praise … to the praise!
To passionately express the truth and “re-create our own soul.”
To spread a passion for the glory of God. (Phil 1:20)
2. Because I live in a certain place, “in Christ”, I am now able to live a certain way.
To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus… Eph. 1:1b
How I live is defined by where I live; if I live from my address, “in Christ”, I am more likely to do what he is doing and go where he is going.
3. I matter to God and he has gone to the extreme to prove he is about relationship.
Series Information

In this series Pastor Rick takes us through what it means to be CHOSEN. Follow us as we study Ephesians and find out what it means to belong to Christ.