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Alert & Ready - Live Today with the Hope of Tomorrow

Aug 18, 2024 | Kelvin Kauffeldt

Being Made Worthy

Full Service

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Have you ever felt worn out and confused by circumstances that you never envisioned you would have to deal with? Have you ever felt “spiritually beat up” on the journey? Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in your experience. In the midst of all that the new believers were going through in Thessalonica, Paul, carried along by the Holy Spirit, wrote them a second letter to encourage them and to help them to see their lives from a “Kingdom of God” perspective. God’s Word is still powerful and effective to do that same good work in our lives as we live today with the hope of tomorrow.

In the midst of trials, don’t lose sight of:

1. God’s on-going, transforming work in our lives (vs. 1-4)

- When we allow the details of our circumstance to overwhelm us, we will struggle to keep a “Kingdom of God” perspective

- As members of God’s family, we are to help each other keep the right perspective (cf. Gal. 6:2)

- Even in our trials, God will empower our faith to grow, love to increase, and hope to deepen (cf. Phil. 1:6)

Do you take time to reflect and thank God when you see His on-going, transforming work in your life? When was the last time you encouraged a brother or sister when you saw God’s transforming work active in their lives (cf. Heb. 10:24)? Is your faith growing, your love for one another increasing, and your hope deepening?

2. God’s secure and glorious future for His children (vs. 5-10)

- God is righteous and He is always working out His plan in His children’s lives (cf. Rom. 8:28)

- Suffering as a child of God has both a now and eternal purpose (cf. Rom. 8:29-30; 2 Cor. 3:18; James. 1:2-4)

- We must view our trials through the lens of God’s future promises (cf. 2 Cor. 4:17-18; Rev. 21:3-4)

We know that God’s judgment is right, that He is orchestrating His purposes in our trials for His glory and our good, and that there is relief coming. How does this help you in the midst of affliction? How should knowing about the horrors of God’s final punishment for unbelievers affect our lives? We must share the good news!

3. God’s primary goal for us on the journey (vs. 11-12)

- Even though our future is secure, God still wants to work in and through us for His glory and for our good (1 Thess. 5:23-24)

- The focus of our prayer for one another should be that God would make us worthy of His calling

- God’s primary goal for us on the journey is that Jesus Christ be glorified in us, and us in Him (cf. 2Thess. 2:14; 2 Cor. 10:31; 1 Pt. 4:11)

Are you walking in a manner worthy of His calling? Do the choices you make reveal your worthiness to bear His name and enjoy His Kingdom? Is there any area where you are being a bad testimony for the Lord? Among the family of God, would others be able to ‘boast’ about your growing faith, increasing love and perseverance in trials?



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