Joy Happens
Are You Living for the Prize?
Philippians 3:12-4:1
To grow in “this” (knowing Christ; 8-11), you must keep your eyes on “that” (the prize; 12,14), or you put yourself in danger of living like “them” (enemies of the cross; 18-19).
1. SEIZE the purpose of your calling in Christ Jesus (8-12,16).
“taken hold of to take hold of”…
“what we have already attained”…
- Christ Jesus as Lord
- The righteousness from God
- Resurrection power
- Fellowship with Christ in frightening times
2. STRAIN toward the prize for which God has called you (13-14, 20-21).
Keep your eyes on “the PRIZE” – when we die, we live!
“Forgetting what is behind”- no race-inhibiting distractions…
- Self-righteous religion
- Flesh-driven lifestyle
- Emotion-crushing defeats
- Coasting on yesterday’s spiritual victory
3. “Many” connected to this race substitute the prize God offers for the one their flesh craves (18-21).
- Judaizer legalists
- Corinthian charismatics
What controls you? Flesh or Spirit?
This is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends! (4:1)
Series Information