Celebrate Recovery offers a safe place for people to gather and discuss the challenges we face. As we share our stories with one another, use the scriptural tools found in our Christ-centred curriculum, and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus, we begin to experience freedom, healing and wholeness.
5Alive is a fellowship group for friends with special needs. We meet at Calvary every Wednesday evening from 6:00pm-7:15pm (300 Rossland Road West, west entrance). Our evenings are filled with fun activities, snacks, singing and much, much more! New friends are ALWAYS welcome!
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future.