Friday, May 26, 2017, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
We can give so much of our time over to things of little importance and find ourselves wandering in spiritual fog. Unclear of what is our next thing God is calling for us we wonder, "What is my next move?" or "Am I alone in my faith struggles?" "Why am I not yet the person I want to one day be?'
At our Youth Worship Nights we gather to worship through singing, praying and exploring God's word. These are pivotal nights of uniting students together to take their faith seriously and make important steps in their discipleship. Come unashamed to praise God with his people and ready to experience the changing power of God's word and Gospel truth.
We host a short worship service with a lesson from God's word and then have connect over a complimentary snack.
Bring some change for our tuck-shop. This is a great night to bring a friend.