Every Monday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
A 12 Step, Christ-centred recovery discipleship group for all of life's hurts, hang-ups & habits.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free"
- Galatians 5:1
Celebrate Recovery offers a safe place for people to gather and discuss the challenges we face. As we share our stories with one another, use the scriptural tools found in our Christ-centred curriculum, and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus, we begin to experience freedom, healing and wholeness.
Can you answer 'yes' to any of these questions:
- Do you have trouble setting limits for yourself?
- Do you sacrifice your identity, desires, or needs to make others feel good about themselves or to keep the peace?
- Do you struggle feeling safe when you are not in control?
- Do you raise your voice to get your way?
- Do you act kind on the outside, but feel bitter on the inside?
- Do you use food, sex/pornography, relationships, alcohol, or drugs to cope with life’s problems?
- Do you struggle with your body image?
- Do you love someone struggling with destructive behaviors, such as pornography, drugs, or alcohol?
- Do you live with someone who abuses you physically, sexually, or emotionally or feel the continued effects from past traumas and abuse?
Men's and Women's Recovery Groups address the following issues:
- Anger
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Codependency
- Food Addiction
- Love and Relationship Addiction
- Abuse (Emotional/Physical/Sexual)
- Sexual Addiction and Pornography
- Rejection
- And many others
Don't give up there is hope!
Celebrate Recovery Small Groups are:
Facilitated by Celebrate Recovery Leaders who have been through recovery themselves.
A safe place to share struggles and victories in gender-based groups.
A place to find acceptance, community, accountability, and support.
Generally issue specific, but occasionally mixed issues.
To Find Out More
You can also obtain more information by contacting Pastor Mark.