Middle East
Serving in the Middle East, Adam is Chair of Biblical Studies at a seminary training evangelists, church planters, and pastors for the 10/40 window, the most unreached region on earth. Angie is an adjunct professor, training women to be disciple makers.
For more information, visit the website below.
The Karkafis desire to develop disciple-making movements among Arabic-speaking people throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Canada with the goal of seeing vibrant, empowered and multiplying Christian communities (churches) established for the glory of God. Based in Lebanon, the Karkafis are continuing the work they have been involved in for over 20 years: developing and empowering disciples among Arabic-speaking people.
For more information, visit the website below.
Bonita is part of OMF Canadian home side personnel staff as the TCK advisor. Bill’s role is International Mental Health advisor.
For more information, visit the website below.
Dave and Martina (boys: Nathan and Matthew) serve with SEND International. Dave is the Eurasia Regional Director for SEND, and they are stationed in Kandern, Germany.
WebsiteSouth Africa
Don and Rachel minister to an unreached people group in South Africa, helping children in need. Don and Rachel work with HIV prevention and care entrepreneurial development, Pastoral training and church planting. They also have a Safe House ministry.
East Africa
East Africa River Mission is positioned to reach an unreached people group in East Africa.
For more information, visit the website below.
Middle East North Africa
ELC was founded in 2003 to develop Christian leaders globally as the most effective way to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
For more information, visit the website below.
Freedom Village is committed to rescuing children from the grips of poverty, corruption, abuse, and hopelessness in the spirit of James 1:27.
George and Karen work with ABWE in England. They minister in the Muslim population of Birmingham, England. Karen teaches English to Muslim women.
For more information, visit the website below.
Guy serves with Fellowship International in France. Guy has been involved in evangelism and apologetics ministry among students and Middle Eastern immigrants. He occasionally travels to lecture at churches and Bible schools.
For more information, visit the website below.
Jason and Sue serve with Greater Europe Mission (GEM) in Germany. They work in evangelism, church planting, training, and mentoring church planters and their teams. They have recently worked with refugees who have fled to Germany.
For more information, visit the website below.
JKPS is a partnership of Christians who desire holistic transformation for the poor and marginalized and to seek justice for the oppressed.
For more information, visit the website below.
Mary Baldwin, serving with GEM in Greece. Working with the Greek Bible College and with Nea Zoi ministry in the red district area downtown Athens.
Jon and Elaine serve with SEND in Thailand. They focus on evangelism and church planting in unreached areas of Thailand.
Marco and Corina serve with Avant Ministries in Bolivia. They work with street children and youth of Bolivia through the ministry of El Jordan
For more information, visit the website below.
Czech Republic
Mark and Gretchen serve with TEAM in the Czech Republic. They work in church planting through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training.
For more information, visit the website below.
Mark Pallant is filling the role of Broadcast Operations which encompasses repair and maintenance of radio broadcast systems, remote monitoring and budget planning with the goal of ensuring the gospel message of Christ continues to be broadcast to the potential 100 million listeners in the reach of TWR Bonaire’s 450kW AM transmitter.
Nhep serves with Fellowship International in Cambodia. She provides dental treatment in several public health centres in municipalities where there is no public dental service available. She uses these opportunities to proclaim the Gospel. She is involved in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
In partnership with Greater Europe Mission (GEM), Phil leads many short term missions trips to Europe each year.
RBC's mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.
For more information, visit the website below.
WebsiteFor more than 30 years Pastor Rick (Lyn) have been involved in Global Leadership Training in multiple closed and open international settings. Recognizing the Baker’s experience and the global need, Pastor Rick and Lyn have been appointed as Mission Associates by Calvary Baptist Church to engage in Calvary-approved Global and Local cross-cultural leadership training initiatives or other global projects as assigned.
Trans World Radio’s global media outreach engages millions in 190 countries with Biblical truth in their heart language. For more than 60 years, God has equipped TWR to lead people from doubt to decision to discipleship.
For more information, visit the website below.
WebsiteMiddle East
Tree of Life ministries works to share the Gospel with an unreached, unnamed people group in the Middle East.
Andrew and Tanja both grew up in Christian families and received Christ as children. While studying biology at the University of Victoria, Andrew travelled to Japan for short-term service with Fellowship International following the devastating earthquake and tsunami which struck Japan in March 2011. After graduation in 2012, Andrew enrolled at Northwest Baptist Seminary where he met Tanja who was studying towards an MA in Humanities at TWU. Seeking the Lord’s guidance, Andrew and Tanja served with church planters in Japan for five months starting in Fall 2015.
For more information, visit the website below.
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